module GUI.GUIFeaturesMonadicExamplePaper where
open import Data.Unit renaming (tt to triv)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product hiding (swap)
open import Data.Sum renaming (inj₁ to position; inj₂ to extended)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.String.Base
open import NativeIO
open import GUI.GUIDefinitions
open import GUI.GUICompilationFeaturesPaper using (compileStateMachine;compileToGUI';compileRegularGUI)
open import GUI.GUIFeatures using (FeatureTea; FeatureCancel; FeatureFree; yesTea; yesCancel; noFree; yesFree)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart2Paper using (MachineState; view; handleUserInput; StateMachine; simpleSMState; addBtn2StateMachine;disjointChoiceState)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart3 hiding ( main ; Tea ; Cancel; main1 ; main2)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart8Paper using (newState)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesMonadicPaper
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart5extendedMedication hiding (basicMachine ; noacNewStateSM ; NoacMAddNewState ; NoacMAddFeature ; StatesBasic)
data StatesCallMachine : Set where
enterCrCl : StatesCallMachine
data StatesBasic : Set where
prescribeMed : StatesBasic
warfarin : StatesBasic
dischargePatient : Medication → StatesBasic
continue : {A B : Set} (a : A) → A ⊎ B
continue a = position a
terminate : {A B : Set} (b : B) → A ⊎ B
terminate b = extended b
callMachine : (noa : NOAC) → StateMachineMonadic (FeatureNOAC noa × StatesBasic)
callMachine noa enterCrCl =
disjointChoiceState "CrCl < 15" (terminate (noNOAC noa , prescribeMed))
"CrCl ≥ 15" (terminate (yesNOAC noa , prescribeMed))
callMachine' : {F S : Set}(f : F)(noa : NOAC)
→ StateMachineMonadic ((F × FeatureNOAC noa) ×
(StatesBasic ⊎ S ))
callMachine' f noa enterCrCl =
disjointChoiceState "CrCl < 15" (terminate ((f , noNOAC noa) , inj₁ prescribeMed))
"CrCl ≥ 15" (terminate ((f , yesNOAC noa) , inj₁ prescribeMed))
callMachineFeatured : {F S : Set}(f : F)(noa : NOAC)
→ StateMachineMonadic ((F × FeatureNOAC noa) ×
(StatesBasic ⊎ S ))
callMachineFeatured f noa =
mapStateMachineReturnMonadic (λ {( fnoa , s) → ((f , fnoa) , position s)}) (callMachine noa)
basicMachine : FeatureMachineMonadic ⊤ ⊤ (StatesBasic ⊎ (⊥ ⊎ ⊥))
basicMachine f (position prescribeMed) =
simpleSMState "Warfarin" (position (continue warfarin))
basicMachine f (position warfarin) =
simpleSMState "Warfarin prescribed" (position (continue (dischargePatient warfarin)))
basicMachine f (position (dischargePatient x)) =
simpleSMState "Discharge patient" (terminate _)
basicMachine f (extended (position ()))
basicMachine f (extended (extended ()))
noacNewStateSM : {A : Set} {Extra : Set}(noa : NOAC)
→ MachineState ((StatesBasic ⊎ Extra ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ A)
noacNewStateSM noa = simpleSMState (noacName noa) (continue (position (dischargePatient (noac noa))))
NoacMAddNewState : {A : Set}{F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
→ (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic ⊎ S))
→ FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic ⊎ (S ⊎ ⊤))
NoacMAddNewState noa fm = extendFMachFixedState1Monadic fm (noacNewStateSM noa)
NoacMAddFeature : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
(fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A F S)
→ FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × (FeatureNOAC noa)) S
NoacMAddFeature noa fm = extendFeatureFMachMonadic fm
NoacMAdaptFeature : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
(fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × (FeatureNOAC noa)) (StatesBasic ⊎ (S ⊎ ⊤)))
→ FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × (FeatureNOAC noa)) (StatesBasic ⊎ (S ⊎ ⊤))
NoacMAdaptFeature noa fm (f , yesNOAC .noa)
(position prescribeMed) =
(fm (f , yesNOAC noa) (position prescribeMed))
(noacName noa)
(continue newState)
NoacMAdaptFeature noa fm (f , selection) s = fm (f , selection) s
NoacFeatureMachine : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
(fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic ⊎ S))
→ FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × FeatureNOAC noa) (StatesBasic ⊎ (S ⊎ ⊤))
NoacFeatureMachine noa fm = NoacMAdaptFeature
(NoacMAddFeature noa fm))
NoacMachine : (noa : NOAC ) → StateMachine (StatesCallMachine ⊎
(⊤ × FeatureNOAC noa)
× (StatesBasic ⊎ (⊥ ⊎ ⊥) ⊎ ⊤))
NoacMachine noa =
(callMachineFeatured triv noa)
(NoacFeatureMachine noa (mapFeatureMach (λ _ → enterCrCl) basicMachine))
noacMachineCompiled : GUI
noacMachineCompiled = compileToGUI' (NoacMachine dabigatran) (position enterCrCl)
main : NativeIO Unit
main = compileRegularGUI noacMachineCompiled