module GUI.GUIFeatures where
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Unit.Base
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import GUI.GUIDefinitions
frameAndOKButton : Frame
frameAndOKButton = addButton "OK button" emptyFrame
exampleOneButton : Frame
exampleOneButton = addButton "OK button" emptyFrame
exampleTwoButtons : Frame
exampleTwoButtons = addButton "Cancel button" frameAndOKButton
exampleThreeButtons : Frame
exampleThreeButtons = addButton "Cancel button" frameAndOKButton
data StateV : Set where
s0 s1 s2 : StateV
data StateTea : Set where
s0 s1 s2 s3 : StateTea
data FeatureTea : Set where
yesTea noTea : FeatureTea
data FeatureFree : Set where
yesFree noFree : FeatureFree
data FeatureCancel : Set where
yesCancel noCancel : FeatureCancel
record FeatureVendingMachine (BaseState : Set) : Set₁ where
field Features : Set
AddState : Set
guiVendingMachine : (f : Features) → BaseState ⊎ AddState → Frame
NewState : Set
NewState = BaseState ⊎ AddState
open FeatureVendingMachine public
base : FeatureVendingMachine StateV
base .Features = ⊤
base .AddState = ⊥
base .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ s0) = exampleOneButton
base .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ s1) = exampleOneButton
base .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ s2) = exampleTwoButtons
base .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ ())
upgradeFeatureVM : (baseState : Set)(vm : FeatureVendingMachine baseState)
→ FeatureVendingMachine (baseState ⊎ vm .AddState)
upgradeFeatureVM baseState vm .Features = vm .Features
upgradeFeatureVM baseState vm .AddState = ⊥
upgradeFeatureVM baseState vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ (inj₁ s)) = vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ s)
upgradeFeatureVM baseState vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ (inj₂ s)) = vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ s)
upgradeFeatureVM baseState vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ ())
changeBaseState : (baseState : Set)(vm : FeatureVendingMachine baseState)
(newState : Set)
(new2base : newState → baseState)
→ FeatureVendingMachine newState
changeBaseState baseState vm newState new2base .Features = vm .Features
changeBaseState baseState vm newState new2base .AddState = vm .AddState
changeBaseState baseState vm newState new2base .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ x) = vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ (new2base x))
changeBaseState baseState vm newState new2base .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ y) = vm .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ y)
upgradeFeatureVM+ : (baseState : Set)(vm : FeatureVendingMachine baseState)
(newBaseState : Set)
(newAddState : Set)
(new2base : newBaseState ⊎ newAddState → baseState ⊎ vm .AddState)
→ FeatureVendingMachine newBaseState
Features (upgradeFeatureVM+ baseState vm newBaseState newAddState new2base) = vm .Features
AddState (upgradeFeatureVM+ baseState vm newBaseState newAddState new2base) = newAddState
guiVendingMachine (upgradeFeatureVM+ baseState vm newBaseState newAddState new2base) f ss = vm .guiVendingMachine f (new2base ss)
tea : FeatureVendingMachine StateV → FeatureVendingMachine StateV
tea otherVM .Features = otherVM .Features × FeatureTea
tea otherVM .AddState = otherVM .AddState ⊎ ⊤
tea otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , yesTea) (inj₁ s1) = exampleThreeButtons
tea otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , _) (inj₁ s) = otherVM .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ s)
tea otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , _) (inj₂ (inj₁ s)) = otherVM .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ s)
tea otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , _) (inj₂ (inj₂ _)) = exampleOneButton
cancel : FeatureVendingMachine StateV → FeatureVendingMachine StateV
cancel otherVM .Features = otherVM .Features × FeatureCancel
cancel otherVM .AddState = otherVM .AddState ⊎ ⊤
cancel otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , yesCancel) (inj₁ s1) = exampleThreeButtons
cancel otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , _) (inj₁ s) = otherVM .guiVendingMachine f (inj₁ s)
cancel otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , _) (inj₂ (inj₁ s)) = otherVM .guiVendingMachine f (inj₂ s)
cancel otherVM .guiVendingMachine (f , _) (inj₂ (inj₂ _)) = exampleOneButton
teaBase : FeatureVendingMachine StateV
teaBase = tea base
StateTeaAux : Set
StateTeaAux = StateV ⊎ (⊥ ⊎ ⊤)
teaBaseUnified : FeatureVendingMachine StateTeaAux
teaBaseUnified = upgradeFeatureVM StateV teaBase
stateTeaToPrevState : StateTea → StateTeaAux
stateTeaToPrevState s0 = inj₁ s0
stateTeaToPrevState s1 = inj₁ s1
stateTeaToPrevState s2 = inj₁ s2
stateTeaToPrevState s3 = inj₂ (inj₂ _)
teaBaseImproved : FeatureVendingMachine StateTea
teaBaseImproved = changeBaseState
teaBaseUnified StateTea stateTeaToPrevState
teaBaseNewToOld : StateTea ⊎ ⊥ → StateV ⊎ teaBase .AddState
teaBaseNewToOld (inj₁ s0) = inj₁ s0
teaBaseNewToOld (inj₁ s1) = inj₁ s1
teaBaseNewToOld (inj₁ s2) = inj₁ s2
teaBaseNewToOld (inj₁ s3) = inj₂ (inj₂ _)
teaBaseNewToOld (inj₂ ())
teaBaseImproved+ : FeatureVendingMachine StateTea
teaBaseImproved+ = upgradeFeatureVM+ StateV teaBase StateTea ⊥ teaBaseNewToOld
cancelTeaBase = cancel (tea base)
module base' where
NewFeatures' : Set
NewFeatures' = ⊤
guiVendingMachine' : (f : NewFeatures') → StateV → Frame
guiVendingMachine' f s0 = exampleOneButton
guiVendingMachine' f s1 = exampleOneButton
guiVendingMachine' f s2 = exampleTwoButtons
module tea' (OtherFeatures : Set)
(oldV : OtherFeatures → StateV → Frame) where
NewFeatures' : Set
NewFeatures' = OtherFeatures × FeatureTea
guiVendingMachine' : (f : NewFeatures')(s : StateV) → Frame
guiVendingMachine' (f , yesTea) s1 = exampleThreeButtons
guiVendingMachine' (f , _) s = oldV f s
module cancel' (OtherFeatures : Set)
(oldV : OtherFeatures → StateV → Frame) where
NewFeatures' : Set
NewFeatures' = OtherFeatures × FeatureCancel
guiVendingMachine' : (f : NewFeatures')(s : StateV) → Frame
guiVendingMachine' (f , yesCancel) s1 = exampleThreeButtons
guiVendingMachine' (f , _) s = oldV f s
module teaBase' (OtherFeatures : Set) where
open base' renaming (guiVendingMachine' to baseGUIVendingMachine; NewFeatures' to BaseFeatures)
open tea' BaseFeatures baseGUIVendingMachine public
module cancelTeaBase' (OtherFeatures : Set) where
open teaBase' OtherFeatures renaming (guiVendingMachine' to teaBaseGUIVendingMachine; NewFeatures' to TeaBaseFeatures)
open cancel' TeaBaseFeatures teaBaseGUIVendingMachine