{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module GUI.GUIFeaturesPart2Paper where
open import Size
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import heap.libraryVec
open import NativeIO
open import SizedIO.Base renaming (IO to IO∞; IO' to IOorig) hiding (_>>=_ ; _>>_ ; return)
open import SizedIO.Console using (consoleI)
open import StateSizedIO.GUI.BaseStateDependent
open import GUI.GUIDefinitions using (Frame; FrameMethod; addButton; emptyFrame)
open import GUI.GUIFeatures
UserInput = FrameMethod
IO = λ S → IOorig consoleI ∞ S
View = Frame
machineInputHandler : (S : Set)(v : View) → Set
machineInputHandler State v = (input : UserInput v) → IO State
record MachineState (State : Set) : Set where
view : View
handleUserInput : machineInputHandler State view
StateMachine : Set → Set
StateMachine State = (s : State) → MachineState State
open MachineState public
_⊎state_ = _⊎_
record FeatureMachineNaive : Set₁ where
Features : Set
State : Set
Machine : (f : Features) → StateMachine State
record FeatureMachine (BaseState : Set) : Set₁ where
Features : Set
AddedState : Set
Machine : (f : Features) → StateMachine (BaseState ⊎state AddedState)
State : Set
State = BaseState ⊎ AddedState
open FeatureMachine public
simpleSMState : {S : Set}
(btnStr : String)
(end : S)
→ MachineState S
simpleSMState btnStr end .view = addButton btnStr emptyFrame
simpleSMState btnStr end .handleUserInput m = return' end
addBtn2StateMachine : {S : Set}(sm : MachineState S)
(btnStr : String)(end : S)
→ MachineState S
addBtn2StateMachine sm btnStr end .view = addButton btnStr (sm .view)
addBtn2StateMachine sm btnStr end .handleUserInput (zero , string) = return' end
addBtn2StateMachine sm btnStr end .handleUserInput (suc btnNum , string) =
sm .handleUserInput (btnNum , string)
disjointChoiceState : {S : Set}
(btnStr1 : String) (end1 : S)
(btnStr2 : String) (end2 : S)
→ MachineState S
disjointChoiceState btnStr1 end1 btnStr2 end2
= addBtn2StateMachine
(simpleSMState btnStr1 end1)
addChoice2State : {S : Set}(sm : MachineState S)
(btnStr : String)(end : S)
→ MachineState S
addChoice2State sm btnStr = addBtn2StateMachine sm btnStr
baseF : FeatureMachine StateV
baseF .Features = ⊤
baseF .AddedState = ⊥
baseF .Machine f (inj₁ s0) = simpleSMState "1Euro" (inj₁ s1)
baseF .Machine f (inj₁ s1) = simpleSMState "Get Change" (inj₁ s2)
baseF .Machine f (inj₁ s2) = simpleSMState "Soda" (inj₁ s0)
baseF .Machine f (inj₂ ())