-- \GUIFeaturesMonadicExampleAdvancedPaper
module GUI.GUIFeaturesMonadicExampleAdvancedPaper where

open import Data.Unit renaming (tt to triv)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product hiding (swap)
open import Data.Sum renaming (inj₁ to position; inj₂ to extended)
open import Data.Sum

open import NativeIO

open import GUI.GUIDefinitions

open import GUI.GUICompilationFeaturesPaper using (compileToGUI'; compileRegularGUI) 

open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart2Paper using (MachineState; StateMachine; simpleSMState; addBtn2StateMachine;disjointChoiceState)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart8Paper using (newState)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesMonadicPaper

open import GUI.GUIFeaturesPart5extendedMedication using (NOAC; FeatureNOAC; yesNOAC ; noacName  ;dabigatran ; noac ; noNOAC)
open import GUI.GUIFeaturesMonadicExamplePaper using (continue; terminate)

data Medication : Set where
  warfarin : Medication
  heparin  : Medication
  noac     : NOAC  Medication

This state machine allows for run-time feature adaption according to the emergencyRoom requirements
of the prescription workflow. For example, the E.R. doesn't need to prescribe NOAC medications
but might additionally need to treat the patient.
data StatesCallMachine : Set where
  enterCrCl        : StatesCallMachine
  emergencyRoom    : StatesCallMachine
  startState       : StatesCallMachine

This is the workflow that is executed by both departments in the same manner.
Therefore, it is the base workflow .
data StatesBasic : Set where
  prescribeMed      : StatesBasic
  warfarin          : StatesBasic
  heparin           : StatesBasic
  dischargePatient  : Medication  StatesBasic

This is the additional feature for the E.R. room to treat a patient.
We compose it via run-time feature adaption to show the capabilities of the system.
data FeatureTreatment : Set where
  yesTreatment noTreatment : FeatureTreatment

callMachine : (noa : NOAC)  StateMachineMonadic (FeatureNOAC noa × FeatureTreatment × (StatesBasic  ((  )  )  ))
-- \GUIFeaturesMonadicExamplePaper
callMachine noa enterCrCl = disjointChoiceState  "CrCl < 15"  (terminate (noNOAC noa , noTreatment , position prescribeMed))
                                                 "CrCl ≥ 15"  (terminate (yesNOAC noa ,  noTreatment , position prescribeMed))

callMachine noa emergencyRoom =
  -- Note: the E.R. department does additional blood work, such as testing for liver disease
  disjointChoiceState "Hepatic impairment"  (terminate (noNOAC noa , yesTreatment , extended (extended triv)))
                      "Liver function o.k." (terminate (noNOAC noa , yesTreatment , extended (extended triv)))
callMachine noa startState =
  -- Run-time feature adaption for the respective department (either emergency room department or anticoagulant clinit)
  disjointChoiceState  "Adapt for E.R."  (continue emergencyRoom)
                       "Adapt for Clinic" (continue enterCrCl)

basicMachine : FeatureMachineMonadic    (StatesBasic  (  ))
basicMachine f (position prescribeMed) =
  disjointChoiceState "Warfarin" (position (continue warfarin))
                      "Heparin"  (position (continue heparin))
basicMachine f (position warfarin) =
  simpleSMState "Warfarin prescribed" (position (continue (dischargePatient warfarin)))
basicMachine f (position heparin) =
  simpleSMState "Heparin prescribed" (position (continue (dischargePatient heparin)))
basicMachine f (position (dischargePatient x)) =
   simpleSMState "Discharge patient" (terminate _)
basicMachine f (extended (position ()))
basicMachine f (extended (extended ()))

-- Below is the feature definition for NOAC medications

{- handler for the new state to be added to the noac feature machine -}
noacNewStateSM : {A  : Set} {Extra : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                 MachineState ((StatesBasic  Extra  )  A)
noacNewStateSM noa = simpleSMState (noacName noa) (continue (position (dischargePatient (noac noa))))

{- add the new state to the feature machine -}
NoacMAddNewState : {A : Set}{F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                          (fm :  FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic  S))
                          FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic  (S  ))
NoacMAddNewState noa fm = extendFMachFixedState1Monadic fm (noacNewStateSM noa)

{- add a dummy (without any adaptions yet) feature NOAC to the feature machine -}
NoacMAddFeature : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A F S)
                  FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × (FeatureNOAC noa)) S
NoacMAddFeature noa fm = extendFeatureFMachMonadic fm

{- final adaption according to feature -}
NoacMAdaptFeature : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                    (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × (FeatureNOAC noa)) (StatesBasic  (S  )))
                       FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × (FeatureNOAC noa)) (StatesBasic  (S  ))
NoacMAdaptFeature noa fm (f , yesNOAC .noa)
                             (position prescribeMed) =
                                 (fm (f , yesNOAC noa) (position prescribeMed))
                                 (noacName noa)
                                 (continue newState)
NoacMAdaptFeature noa fm (f , selection) s = fm (f , selection) s

-- Below is the feature definition for the patient treatment in the E.R. room

noacNewStateSMnoTreatment : {A  : Set} {Extra : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                 MachineState ((StatesBasic  Extra  )  A)
noacNewStateSMnoTreatment noa = simpleSMState "no Treatment" (continue (position (dischargePatient (noac noa))))

NoacMAddNewStateTreatment : {A : Set}{F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                          (fm :  FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic  S))
                          FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic  (S  ))
NoacMAddNewStateTreatment noa fm = extendFMachFixedState1Monadic fm (noacNewStateSMnoTreatment noa)

NoacMAddFeatureTreatment : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A F S)
                  FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × FeatureTreatment) S
NoacMAddFeatureTreatment noa fm = extendFeatureFMachMonadic fm

-- Workflow adaption for patient treatment in the E.R. room
NoacMAdaptFeatureTreatment : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
                    (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × FeatureTreatment) (StatesBasic  (S  )))
                       FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × FeatureTreatment) (StatesBasic  (S  ))
NoacMAdaptFeatureTreatment noa fm (f , yesTreatment) (inj₂ (inj₂ tt))
                              disjointChoiceState  "Antiarrhythmic drug" (continue (continue prescribeMed))
                                                   "No treatment" (continue (continue prescribeMed))

NoacMAdaptFeatureTreatment noa fm (f , selection) s = fm (f , selection) s

-- Below we compose the base workflow with the feature 'NOAC'
-- In this way we get the workflow for the Anticoagulant Clinic

NoacFeatureMachine1 : {A F : Set}{S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
      (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic A F (StatesBasic  S))
       FeatureMachineMonadic A (F × FeatureNOAC noa) (StatesBasic  (S  ))
NoacFeatureMachine1 noa fm = NoacMAdaptFeature
                          (NoacMAddFeature noa fm))

-- Here we compose the Anticoagulant Clinit workflow
-- with the workflow that is needed for the E.R. room

NoacFeatureMachine :  {S : Set}(noa : NOAC)
       (fm : FeatureMachineMonadic StatesCallMachine  (StatesBasic  S)) 
       (_ × FeatureNOAC noa) × FeatureTreatment  StateMachineMonadic _ (StatesBasic  (S  )  )
NoacFeatureMachine = λ noa fm  
   NoacMAdaptFeatureTreatment{_}{_ × FeatureNOAC noa} -- <-- add run-time feature adaption for the E.R. room
                          (NoacMAddFeatureTreatment noa
                           (NoacFeatureMachine1 noa fm))) -- <--- compose with Anticoagulant Clinic

-- \GUIFeaturesMonadicExamplePaper
composedMachine : (noa :  NOAC )  StateMachine (StatesCallMachine 
                                              Σ (Σ   v  FeatureNOAC noa))  v  FeatureTreatment) ×
                                              (StatesBasic  (_  )  ))
composedMachine = λ noa 
  ((mapStateMachineReturnMonadic  { (fnoa , (fTreat , s))  ((triv , fnoa) , fTreat) , s }) (callMachine noa)))
  (NoacFeatureMachine noa (mapFeatureMach  _  startState) basicMachine))

-- Compile the composed workflow to an executable workflow with a GUI as its view
noacMachineCompiled : GUI
noacMachineCompiled =
-- we use here static workflow composition to select the availiable NOAC:
  compileToGUI' (composedMachine dabigatran) (position startState) 

-- Compile the executable workflow to a program with main (program entry):
main : NativeIO Unit
main = compileRegularGUI noacMachineCompiled