{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
module StateSizedIO.writingOOsUsingIOVers4ReaderMethods where
open import StateSizedIO.RObject
open import StateSizedIO.Object
open import StateSizedIO.GUI.BaseStateDependent
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Bool
open import Level renaming (zero to lzero; suc to lsuc)
open import Function
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.String
open import Unit
open import Data.Bool.Base
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import SizedIO.Console
open import Size
open import SizedIO.Base
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Empty
open import StateSizedIO.cellStateDependent using (CellInterfaceˢ; empty; cellPempty')
open import NativeIO
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ : RInterfaceˢ → IOInterfaceˢ
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I .Stateˢ = I .Stateˢ
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I .Commandˢ s = I .Methodˢ s ⊎ I .RMethodˢ s
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I .Responseˢ s (inj₁ c) = I .Resultˢ s c
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I .Responseˢ s (inj₂ c) = I .RResultˢ s c
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I .nextˢ s (inj₁ c) r = I .nextˢ s c r
objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I .nextˢ s (inj₂ c) r = s
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ : IOInterfaceˢ → RInterfaceˢ
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ I .Stateˢ = I .Stateˢ
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ I .Methodˢ = I .Commandˢ
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ I .Resultˢ = I .Responseˢ
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ I .nextˢ = I .nextˢ
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ I .RMethodˢ s = ⊥
ioInterfToObjectInterfˢ I .RResultˢ s ()
data DecSets : Set where
fin : ℕ → DecSets
TDecSets : DecSets → Set
TDecSets (fin n) = Fin n
toDecSets : ∀{n} → (x : Fin n) → DecSets
toDecSets x = fin (toℕ x)
_==fin_ : {n : ℕ} → Fin n → Fin n → Bool
_==fin_ {zero} () t
_==fin_ {suc _} zero zero = true
_==fin_ {suc _} zero (suc _) = false
_==fin_ {suc _} (suc _) zero = false
_==fin_ {suc _} (suc s) (suc t) = s ==fin t
transferFin : {n : ℕ} → (P : Fin n → Set) →
(i j : Fin n) → T (i ==fin j) →
P i → P j
transferFin {zero} P () j q p
transferFin {suc n} P zero zero q p = p
transferFin {suc n} P zero (suc j) () p
transferFin {suc n} P (suc i) zero () p
transferFin {suc n} P (suc i) (suc j) q p = transferFin {n} (P ∘ suc) i j q p
_==DecSets_ : {d : DecSets} → TDecSets d → TDecSets d → Bool
_==DecSets_ {fin n} = _==fin_
transferFin' : {n : ℕ} → (P : Fin n → Set) →
(i j : Fin n) → ((i ==fin j) ≡ true) →
P i → P j
transferFin' {zero} P () j q p
transferFin' {suc n} P zero zero q p = p
transferFin' {suc n} P zero (suc j) () p
transferFin' {suc n} P (suc i) zero () p
transferFin' {suc n} P (suc i) (suc j) q p = transferFin' {n} (P ∘ suc) i j q p
transferDecSets : {J : DecSets} → (P : TDecSets J → Set) →
(i j : TDecSets J) → ((i ==DecSets j) ≡ true) →
P i → P j
transferDecSets {(fin n)} P i j q p = transferFin' {n} P i j q p
module _ (I : IOInterfaceˢ )
(let S = Stateˢ I) (let C = Commandˢ I)
(let R = Responseˢ I) (let n = nextˢ I)
data IOˢind (A : S → Set) (s : S) : Set where
execˢⁱ : (c : C s) (f : (r : R s c) → IOˢind A (n s c r)) → IOˢind A s
returnˢⁱ : (a : A s) → IOˢind A s
IOˢindₚ : (A : Set)(s s' : S) → Set
IOˢindₚ A s s' = IOˢind (λ s'' → (s'' ≡ s') × A) s
IOˢindₚ₀ : (s s' : S) → Set
IOˢindₚ₀ s s' = IOˢind (λ s'' → s'' ≡ s') s
module _ {I : RInterfaceˢ } (let S = Stateˢ I) (let n = nextˢ I)
translateˢ : {A : S → Set} (s : S) (obj : RObjectˢ I s) (p : IOˢind (objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I) A s)
→ Σ[ s′ ∈ S ] (A s′ × RObjectˢ I s′)
translateˢ s obj (returnˢⁱ x) = s , (x , obj)
translateˢ s obj (execˢⁱ (inj₁ c) p) = obj .objectMethod c ▹ λ {(x , o′) → translateˢ (n s c x) o′ (p x) }
translateˢ s obj (execˢⁱ (inj₂ c) p) = obj .readerMethod c ▹ λ x → translateˢ s obj (p x)
module _ {I : RInterfaceˢ } (let S = Stateˢ I)
getAˢ : ∀{A : S → Set} (s : S)
→ RObjectˢ I s
→ IOˢind (objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I) A s
→ Σ[ s′ ∈ S ] A s′
getAˢ s obj (returnˢⁱ x) = s , x
getAˢ s obj p = let res = translateˢ s obj p
in proj₁ res , proj₁ (proj₂ res)
module _ (I : IOInterfaceˢ{lzero} )
(let S = Stateˢ I) (let C = Commandˢ I)
(let R = Responseˢ I) (let n = nextˢ I)
data IOˢind' (A : S → Set) (sbegin : S) : (send : S) → Set where
execˢⁱ' : {send : S} → (c : C sbegin) →
(f : (r : R sbegin c) → IOˢind' A (n sbegin c r) send)
→ IOˢind' A sbegin send
returnˢⁱ' : (a : A sbegin) → IOˢind' A sbegin sbegin
module _ {I : RInterfaceˢ } (let S = Stateˢ I) (let n = nextˢ I)
translateˢ' : ∀{A : S → Set}{sbegin : S}{send : S}
→ RObjectˢ I sbegin
→ IOˢind' (objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I) A sbegin send
→ (A send × RObjectˢ I send)
translateˢ' {A} {sbegin} {send} obj (returnˢⁱ' x) = x , obj
translateˢ' {A} {sbegin} {send} obj (execˢⁱ' (inj₁ c) p) =
obj .objectMethod c ▹ λ {(x , o')
→ translateˢ' {A} {n sbegin c x} {send} o' (p x) }
translateˢ' {A} {sbegin} {send} obj (execˢⁱ' (inj₂ c) p) =
obj .readerMethod c ▹ λ x
→ translateˢ' {A} {sbegin} {send} obj (p x)
module _ {I : RInterfaceˢ } (let S = Stateˢ I)
getAˢ' : ∀{A : S → Set}{sbegin : S}{send : S}
→ RObjectˢ I sbegin
→ IOˢind' (objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I) A sbegin send
→ A send
getAˢ' {A} {sbegin} {send} obj (returnˢⁱ' x) = x
getAˢ' {A} {sbegin} {send} obj p = let res = translateˢ' {I} {A} {sbegin} {send} obj p
in proj₁ res
updateFinFunction : {n : ℕ} → (P : Fin n → Set)
→ (f : (k : Fin n) → P k)
→ (l : Fin n)
→ (b : P l)
→ (k : Fin n) → P k
updateFinFunction {zero} P f () b k
updateFinFunction {suc n} P f zero b zero = b
updateFinFunction {suc n} P f zero b (suc k) = f (suc k)
updateFinFunction {suc n} P f (suc l) b zero = f zero
updateFinFunction {suc n} P f (suc l) b (suc k) = updateFinFunction {n} (P ∘ suc) (f ∘ suc) l b k
updateDecSetsFunction : {J : DecSets} → (P : TDecSets J → Set)
→ (f : (k : TDecSets J) → P k)
→ (l : TDecSets J)
→ (b : P l)
→ (k : TDecSets J) → P k
updateDecSetsFunction {fin n} P f l b k = updateFinFunction {n} P f l b k
updateFinFunctionStateChange : {n : ℕ}
→ (P : Fin n → Set)
→ (f : (k : Fin n) → P k)
→ (Q : (k : Fin n) → P k → Set)
→ (g : (k : Fin n) → Q k (f k) )
→ (l : Fin n)
→ (newP : P l)
→ (newQ : Q l newP)
→ (k : Fin n)
→ Q k (updateFinFunction {n} P f l newP k)
updateFinFunctionStateChange {zero} P f Q g () newP newQ k
updateFinFunctionStateChange {suc n} P f Q g zero newP newQ zero = newQ
updateFinFunctionStateChange {suc n} P f Q g zero newP newQ (suc k) = g (suc k)
updateFinFunctionStateChange {suc n} P f Q g (suc l) newP newQ zero = g zero
updateFinFunctionStateChange {suc n} P f Q g (suc l) newP newQ (suc k) =
updateFinFunctionStateChange {n} (P ∘ suc) (f ∘ suc)
(λ k p → Q (suc k) p)
(g ∘ suc) l newP newQ k
updateDecSetsFunctionStateChange : {J : DecSets}
→ (P : TDecSets J → Set)
→ (f : (k : TDecSets J) → P k)
→ (Q : (k : TDecSets J) → P k → Set)
→ (g : (k : TDecSets J) → Q k (f k) )
→ (l : TDecSets J)
→ (newP : P l)
→ (newQ : Q l newP)
→ (k : TDecSets J)
→ Q k (updateDecSetsFunction {J} P f l newP k)
updateDecSetsFunctionStateChange {fin n} P f Q g l newP newQ k = updateFinFunctionStateChange {n} P f Q g l newP newQ k
objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ : (J : DecSets) → (TDecSets J → Interfaceˢ{lzero}{lzero}{lzero}) → IOInterfaceˢ
objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ J I .Stateˢ = (j : TDecSets J) → (I j).Stateˢ
objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ J I .Commandˢ f = Σ[ j ∈ TDecSets J ] (I j).Methodˢ (f j)
objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ J I .Responseˢ f (j , m) = (I j).Resultˢ (f j) m
objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ J I .nextˢ f (j , m) r =
updateDecSetsFunction {J} (λ j₁ → I j₁ .Stateˢ) f j (I j .nextˢ (f j) m r)
translateMultiˢ : (J : DecSets) → (I : TDecSets J → Interfaceˢ) →
(A : ((j : TDecSets J) → (I j).Stateˢ) → Set)
(f : (j : TDecSets J) → (I j).Stateˢ)
(obj : (j : TDecSets J) → Objectˢ (I j) (f j))
→ IOˢind (objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ J I) A f
→ Σ[ s' ∈ ((j : TDecSets J) → (I j).Stateˢ) ]
(A s' × ( (j : TDecSets J) → Objectˢ (I j) (s' j)))
translateMultiˢ J I A f obj (execˢⁱ (j , m) p) = (obj j) .objectMethod m ▹ λ {(r , o')
→ translateMultiˢ J I A (nextˢ (objectInterfMultiToIOInterfˢ J I) f (j , m) r)
(updateDecSetsFunctionStateChange {J}
(λ j₁ → I j₁ .Stateˢ)
(λ j₁ state → Objectˢ (I j₁) state)
obj j
(I j .nextˢ (f j) m r) o')
(p r)}
translateMultiˢ J I A f obj (returnˢⁱ a) = f , a , obj
module _ (I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ{lzero} )
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
(I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ{lzero} )
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)
(let C₂ = Commandˢ I₂)
(let R₂ = Responseˢ I₂)
(let n₂ = nextˢ I₂)
record IOˢindcoind (i : Size)(A : S₁ → S₂ → Set) (s₁ : S₁)(s₂ : S₂) : Set where
forceIC : {j : Size< i} → IOˢindcoind+ j A s₁ s₂
data IOˢindcoind+ (i : Size)(A : S₁ → S₂ → Set) (s₁ : S₁)(s₂ : S₂) : Set where
execˢIO : (c₁ : C₁ s₁) (f : (r₁ : R₁ s₁ c₁) → IOˢindcoind i A (n₁ s₁ c₁ r₁) s₂)
→ IOˢindcoind+ i A s₁ s₂
execˢobj : (c₂ : C₂ s₂)(f : (r₂ : R₂ s₂ c₂) → IOˢindcoind+ i A s₁ (n₂ s₂ c₂ r₂))
→ IOˢindcoind+ i A s₁ s₂
returnˢic : A s₁ s₂
→ IOˢindcoind+ i A s₁ s₂
open IOˢindcoind public
module _ (I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ )
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
(I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ )
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)
(let C₂ = Commandˢ I₂)
(let R₂ = Responseˢ I₂)
(let n₂ = nextˢ I₂) where
ioˢind2IOˢindcoind+ : (A : S₁ → S₂ → Set) (s₁ : S₁)(s₂ : S₂)
(p : IOˢind I₂ (λ s₂' → A s₁ s₂') s₂)
→ IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ ∞ A s₁ s₂
ioˢind2IOˢindcoind+ A s₁ s₂ (execˢⁱ c f) = execˢobj c λ r →
ioˢind2IOˢindcoind+ A s₁ (nextˢ I₂ s₂ c r) (f r)
ioˢind2IOˢindcoind+ A s₁ s₂ (returnˢⁱ a) = returnˢic a
ioˢind2IOˢindcoind : (A : S₁ → S₂ → Set) (s₁ : S₁)(s₂ : S₂)
(p : IOˢind I₂ (λ s₂' → A s₁ s₂') s₂)
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ ∞ A s₁ s₂
ioˢind2IOˢindcoind A s₁ s₂ p .forceIC = ioˢind2IOˢindcoind+ A s₁ s₂ p
module _ {I : IOInterfaceˢ } (let S = Stateˢ I)
_>>=ind_ : {A : S → Set}{B : S → Set}{s : S}
(m : IOˢind I A s)
(f : (s' : S) (a : A s') → IOˢind I B s')
→ IOˢind I B s
_>>=ind_ (execˢⁱ c f₁) f = execˢⁱ c (λ r → f₁ r >>=ind f)
_>>=ind_ {s = s} (returnˢⁱ a) f = f s a
module _ {I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ }
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
{I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ }
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)
(let C₂ = Commandˢ I₂)
(let R₂ = Responseˢ I₂)
(let n₂ = nextˢ I₂)
_>>=indcoind+_ : {i : Size}{A : S₁ → S₂ → Set}
{B : S₁ → S₂ → Set}
{s₁ : S₁}{s₂ : S₂}
(p : IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ i A s₁ s₂)
(f : {s₁' : S₁}{s₂' : S₂}(a : A s₁' s₂') → IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ i B s₁' s₂')
→ IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ i B s₁ s₂
execˢobj c f₁ >>=indcoind+ f = execˢobj c (λ r → f₁ r >>=indcoind+ f)
execˢIO c f₁ >>=indcoind+ f = execˢIO c (λ r → f₁ r >>=indcoind f)
returnˢic x >>=indcoind+ f = f x
_>>=indcoind_ : {i : Size}{A : S₁ → S₂ → Set}
{B : S₁ → S₂ → Set}
{s₁ : S₁}{s₂ : S₂}
(p : IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ i A s₁ s₂)
(f : {s₁' : S₁}{s₂' : S₂}(a : A s₁' s₂') → IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ i B s₁' s₂')
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ i B s₁ s₂
(p >>=indcoind f) .forceIC {j} = p .forceIC >>=indcoind+ f
module _ {I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ }
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
{I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ }
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)
open IOˢindcoind
delayˢic : {i : Size}{A : S₁ → S₂ → Set}{s₁ : S₁}{s₂ : S₂}
→ IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ i A s₁ s₂
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ (↑ i) A s₁ s₂
delayˢic {i} {A} {s₁} {s₂} P .forceIC {j} = P
open IOˢindcoind public
module _ (I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ )
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
(I₂ : RInterfaceˢ )
(let I₂′ = objectInterfToIOInterfˢ I₂)
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)(let n₂ = nextˢ I₂′)
translateˢIndCoind : ∀ {i A s₁ s₂} (obj : RObjectˢ I₂ s₂) (p : IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂′ i A s₁ s₂)
→ IOˢ I₁ i (λ s₁ → Σ[ s₂ ∈ S₂ ] (A s₁ s₂ × RObjectˢ I₂ s₂)) s₁
translateˢIndCoind obj p .forceˢ = translateˢIndCoind+ obj (p .forceIC)
translateˢIndCoind+ : ∀{i A s₁ s₂} (obj : RObjectˢ I₂ s₂) (p : IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂′ i A s₁ s₂)
→ IOˢ' {lzero} I₁ i (λ s₁ → Σ[ s₂ ∈ S₂ ] (A s₁ s₂ × RObjectˢ I₂ s₂)) s₁
translateˢIndCoind+ obj (execˢobj (inj₁ c) f) = obj .objectMethod c ▹ λ { (x , obj′) →
translateˢIndCoind+ obj′ (f x)}
translateˢIndCoind+ obj (execˢobj (inj₂ c) f) = obj .readerMethod c ▹ λ x →
translateˢIndCoind+ obj (f x)
translateˢIndCoind+ obj (execˢIO c₁ f) = execˢ' c₁ λ r₁ →
translateˢIndCoind obj (f r₁)
translateˢIndCoind+ {i} {A} {s₁} {s₂} obj (returnˢic a) = returnˢ' (s₂ , a , obj)
module _ (I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ{lzero}{lzero} {lzero})
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
(I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ{lzero}{lzero}{lzero} )
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)
unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ : IOInterface → IOInterfaceˢ
unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ x .Stateˢ = Unit
unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ x .Commandˢ = λ _ → x .Command
unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ x .Responseˢ = λ _ → x .Response
unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ x .nextˢ _ _ _ = unit
ConsoleInterfaceˢ : IOInterfaceˢ
ConsoleInterfaceˢ = unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ consoleI
data RCellStateˢ : Set where
empty full : RCellStateˢ
data RCellMethodEmpty (A : Set) : Set where
put : A → RCellMethodEmpty A
data RCellMethodFull (A : Set) : Set where
put : A → RCellMethodFull A
data RRCellMethodEmpty (A : Set) : Set where
data RRCellMethodFull (A : Set) : Set where
get : RRCellMethodFull A
RCellMethodˢ : (A : Set) → RCellStateˢ → Set
RCellMethodˢ A empty = RCellMethodEmpty A
RCellMethodˢ A full = RCellMethodFull A
RRCellMethodˢ : (A : Set) → RCellStateˢ → Set
RRCellMethodˢ A empty = RRCellMethodEmpty A
RRCellMethodˢ A full = RRCellMethodFull A
putGen : {A : Set} → {i : RCellStateˢ} → A → RCellMethodˢ A i
putGen {A} {empty} = put
putGen {A} {full} = put
RCellResultFull : ∀{A} → RCellMethodFull A → Set
RCellResultFull (put _) = Unit
RCellResultEmpty : ∀{A} → RCellMethodEmpty A → Set
RCellResultEmpty (put _) = Unit
RRCellResultFull : ∀{A} → RRCellMethodFull A → Set
RRCellResultFull {A} get = A
RRCellResultEmpty : ∀{A} → RRCellMethodEmpty A → Set
RRCellResultEmpty ()
RCellResultˢ : (A : Set) → (s : RCellStateˢ) → RCellMethodˢ A s → Set
RCellResultˢ A empty = RCellResultEmpty{A}
RCellResultˢ A full = RCellResultFull{A}
RRCellResultˢ : (A : Set) → (s : RCellStateˢ) → RRCellMethodˢ A s → Set
RRCellResultˢ A empty = RRCellResultEmpty{A}
RRCellResultˢ A full = RRCellResultFull{A}
nˢ : ∀{A} → (s : RCellStateˢ) → (c : RCellMethodˢ A s) → (RCellResultˢ A s c) → RCellStateˢ
nˢ _ _ _ = full
RCellInterfaceˢ : (A : Set) → RInterfaceˢ
Stateˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) = RCellStateˢ
Methodˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) = RCellMethodˢ A
Resultˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) = RCellResultˢ A
RMethodˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) = RRCellMethodˢ A
RResultˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) = RRCellResultˢ A
nextˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) = nˢ
RcellPempty' : ∀{A} → RObjectˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) empty
RcellPempty' .objectMethod (put a) = (_ , RcellPfull' a)
RcellPempty' .readerMethod ()
RcellPfull' : ∀{A} → A → RObjectˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ A) full
RcellPfull' a .readerMethod get = a
RcellPfull' a .objectMethod (put a') = (_ , RcellPfull' a')
RCellInterfaceˢIO : IOInterfaceˢ
RCellInterfaceˢIO = objectInterfToIOInterfˢ (RCellInterfaceˢ String)
module _ (I : IOInterface)
(let C = I .Command)
(let R = I .Response)
(let I' = unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ I)
(let C' = I' .Commandˢ)
(let R' = I' .Responseˢ)
(convertC : C' _ → C)
(convertR : ∀{c : C} → Response I (convertC c) → I .Response c)
flatternIOˢ : ∀ {A : Set}
→ IOˢ (unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ I) ∞ (λ _ → A) unit
→ IO I ∞ A
flatternIOˢ {A} p .force = flatternIOˢ' (forceˢ p)
flatternIOˢ' : {A : Set}
→ IOˢ' (unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ I) ∞ (λ _ → A) unit
→ IO' I ∞ A
flatternIOˢ' {A} (execˢ' cˢ f) = exec' (convertC cˢ) (λ rˢ →
flatternIOˢ (f (convertR {cˢ} rˢ)))
flatternIOˢ' {A} (returnˢ' a) = return' a
execˢobj∞ : {I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ }{I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ}
{A : Stateˢ I₁ → I₂ .Stateˢ → Set}
{s₁ : Stateˢ I₁}
{s₂ : I₂ .Stateˢ}
(c : Commandˢ I₂ s₂) →
((r : Responseˢ I₂ s₂ c) → IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ ∞ A s₁ (nextˢ I₂ s₂ c r) )
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ ∞ A s₁ s₂
execˢobj∞ {I₁} {I₂} {A} {s₁} {s₂} c f .forceIC {j} = execˢobj c f
endIO+ : {I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ} {I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ}
{s₁ : I₁ .Stateˢ}
{s₂ : I₂ .Stateˢ}
→ IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ ∞ (λ _ _ → Unit) s₁ s₂
endIO+ = returnˢic unit
endIO∞ : {I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ} {I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ}
{s₁ : I₁ .Stateˢ}
{s₂ : I₂ .Stateˢ}
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ ∞ (λ _ _ → Unit) s₁ s₂
endIO∞ .forceIC {j} = endIO+
execˢIO∞ : {i : Size}
{I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ} {I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ}
{s₁ : I₁ .Stateˢ}
{s₂ : I₂ .Stateˢ}
(c₁ : I₁ .Commandˢ s₁) →
((r₁ : I₁ .Responseˢ s₁ c₁) →
IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ i (λ _ _ → Unit) (nextˢ I₁ s₁ c₁ r₁) s₂)
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ i (λ _ _ → Unit) s₁ s₂
execˢIO∞ {i} c p .forceIC {j} = execˢIO c p
callProg : {I : IOInterfaceˢ }{A : I .Stateˢ → Set}{s : I .Stateˢ} (a : A s) → IOˢind I A s
callProg = returnˢⁱ
run' : IOˢindcoind ConsoleInterfaceˢ RCellInterfaceˢIO ∞ (λ x y → Unit)
unit empty
→ NativeIO Unit
run' prog = translateIOConsole
(flatternIOˢ consoleI (λ c → c) (λ r → r)
(fmapˢ {i = ∞} (λ x y → unit) {unit}
(translateˢIndCoind ConsoleInterfaceˢ
(RCellInterfaceˢ String) RcellPempty' (prog))))
module _ {objInf : RInterfaceˢ}
(let objIOInf = objectInterfToIOInterfˢ objInf)
{objState : objIOInf .Stateˢ }
run_startingWith_ : IOˢindcoind ConsoleInterfaceˢ objIOInf ∞ (λ x y → Unit) unit objState
→ RObjectˢ objInf objState → NativeIO Unit
run prog startingWith obj = translateIOConsole
(flatternIOˢ consoleI (λ c → c) (λ r → r) (fmapˢ {i = ∞} (λ x y → unit) {unit}
(translateˢIndCoind ConsoleInterfaceˢ objInf obj prog)))
run+_startingWith_ : IOˢindcoind+ ConsoleInterfaceˢ objIOInf ∞ (λ _ _ → Unit) unit objState
→ RObjectˢ objInf objState
→ NativeIO Unit
run+ prog startingWith obj = translateIOConsole
(flatternIOˢ consoleI id id (fmapˢ {i = ∞} (λ _ _ → unit) {unit}
(delayˢ (translateˢIndCoind+ ConsoleInterfaceˢ objInf obj prog))))
module _ (I₁ : IOInterfaceˢ )
(let S₁ = Stateˢ I₁) (let C₁ = Commandˢ I₁)
(let R₁ = Responseˢ I₁) (let n₁ = nextˢ I₁)
(I₂ : IOInterfaceˢ )
(let S₂ = Stateˢ I₂)
(let C₂ = Commandˢ I₂)
(let R₂ = Responseˢ I₂)
(let n₂ = nextˢ I₂)
(I₂' : IOInterface)
(let C₂' = I₂' .Command)
(let R₂' = I₂' .Response)
(let I₂'' = unsizedIOInterfToIOInterfˢ I₂')
(let C₂'' = I₂'' .Commandˢ)
(let R₂'' = I₂'' .Responseˢ)
(convertC : (s₂ : S₂)(c₂ : C₂ s₂) → C₂')
(convertR : (s₂ : S₂)(c₂ : C₂ s₂)(r₂ : R₂' (convertC s₂ c₂)) → R₂ s₂ c₂)
(A : Set)
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj : ∀{i} (s₁ : S₁) (s₂ : S₂)
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂ i (λ _ _ → A) s₁ s₂
→ IOˢindcoind I₁ I₂'' i (λ _ _ → A) s₁ _
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj {i} s₁ s₂ p .forceIC {j} = translateIndCoindFlatteningObj+ {j} s₁ s₂ (p .forceIC {j})
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj+ : ∀{i} (s₁ : S₁) (s₂ : S₂)
→ IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂ i (λ _ _ → A) s₁ s₂
→ IOˢindcoind+ I₁ I₂'' i (λ _ _ → A) s₁ _
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj+ {i} s₁ s₂ (execˢIO c₁ f) = execˢIO c₁ λ r₁ → translateIndCoindFlatteningObj (n₁ s₁ c₁ r₁) s₂ (f r₁)
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj+ {i} s₁ s₂ (execˢobj c₂ f) = execˢobj (convertC s₂ c₂) λ r₂ →
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj+ s₁ (n₂ s₂ c₂ (convertR s₂ c₂ r₂)) (f (convertR s₂ c₂ r₂))
translateIndCoindFlatteningObj+ {i} s₁ s₂ (returnˢic x) = returnˢic x