module SizedIO.Base where

open import Data.Maybe.Base
open import Data.Sum renaming (inj₁ to left; inj₂ to right; [_,_]′ to either)

open import Function
--open import Level using (_⊔_) renaming (suc to lsuc)
open import Size
open import Data.List
open import SizedIO.Object

open import NativeIO
open import Data.Product

record IOInterface  : Set₁ where 
    Command   : Set
    Response  : (m : Command)  Set
open IOInterface public

module _ (I : IOInterface ) (let C = Command I) (let R = Response I) where

    record IO (i : Size)  (A : Set) : Set where
      constructor delay
        force : {j : Size< i}  IO' j A

    data IO' (i : Size)  (A : Set) : Set where
      exec'     : (c : C) (f : R c  IO i A)  IO' i A
      return' : (a : A)  IO' i A

  data IO+ (i : Size)  (A : Set) : Set where
    exec' : (c : C) (f : R c  IO i A)  IO+ i A

open IO public

objectInterfToIOInterf : Interface  IOInterface
objectInterfToIOInterf I .Command = I .Method
objectInterfToIOInterf I .Response = I .Result

ioInterfToObjectInterf : IOInterface  Interface
ioInterfToObjectInterf I .Method = I .Command
ioInterfToObjectInterf I .Result = I .Response

module _  {I : IOInterface } (let C = Command I) (let R = Response I) where

  return : ∀{i}{A : Set} (a : A)  IO I i A
  return a .force = return' a

  exec : ∀{i}{A : Set} (c : C) (f : R c  IO I i A)  IO I i A
  exec c f .force = exec' c f

  exec1 :  ∀{i} (c : C)  IO I i (R c)
  exec1 c = exec c return

  infixl 2 _>>=_ _>>='_ _>>_

    _>>='_ : ∀{i}{A B : Set}(m : IO' I i A) (k : A  IO I ( i) B)  IO' I i B
    exec' c f    >>=' k = exec' c λ x  f x >>= k
    return' a >>=' k = (k a) .force

    _>>=_ : ∀{i}{A B : Set}(m : IO I i A) (k : A  IO I i B)  IO I i B
    (m >>= k) .force = m .force >>=' k

  _>>_ : ∀{i}{B : Set} (m : IO I i Unit) (k : IO I i B)  IO I i B
  m >> k = m >>= λ _  k

  translateIO : ∀{A : Set}
      (translateLocal : (c : C)  NativeIO (R c))
      IO I  A
      NativeIO A
  translateIO translateLocal m = case (m .force {_}) of
    λ{ (exec' c f)     (translateLocal c) native>>= λ r 
         translateIO translateLocal (f r)
     ; (return' a)  nativeReturn a

  -- Recursion

  -- trampoline provides a generic form of loop (generalizing while/repeat).
  -- Starting at state s : S, step function f is iterated until it returns
  -- a result in A.

  fromIO+' : ∀{i}{A : Set}  IO+ I i A  IO' I i A
  fromIO+' (exec' c f) = exec' c f

  fromIO+ : ∀{i}{A : Set}  IO+ I i A  IO I i A
  fromIO+ (exec' c f) .force = exec' c f

  _>>=+'_ : ∀{i}{A B : Set}(m : IO+ I i A) (k : A  IO I i B)  IO' I i B
  exec' c f >>=+' k = exec' c λ x  f x >>= k

  _>>=+_ : ∀{i}{A B : Set}(m : IO+ I i A) (k : A  IO I i B)  IO I i B
  (m >>=+ k) .force = m >>=+' k


    _>>+_ : ∀{i}{A B : Set}(m : IO I i (A  B)) (k : A  IO I i B)  IO I i B
    (m >>+ k) .force = m .force >>+' k

    _>>+'_ : ∀{j}{A B : Set} (m : IO' I j (A  B)) (k : A  IO I ( j) B)  IO' I j B
    exec' c f            >>+' k = exec' c λ x  f x >>+ k
    return' (left  a) >>+' k = k a .force
    return' (right b) >>+' k = return' b

   -- loop

  trampoline : ∀{i}{A S : Set} (f : S  IO+ I i (S  A)) (s : S)  IO I i A
  trampoline f s .force = case (f s) of
    \{ (exec' c k)  exec' c λ r  k r >>+ trampoline f }

  -- simple infinite loop

  forever : ∀{i}{A B : Set}  IO+ I i A  IO I i B
  forever (exec' c f) .force = exec' c λ r  f r >>= λ _  forever (exec' c f)

  whenJust : ∀{i}{A : Set}  Maybe A  (A  IO I i (Unit ))  IO I i Unit
  whenJust nothing  k = return _
  whenJust (just a) k = k a

  mapIO :  {i}  {I : IOInterface}  {A B : Set}  (A  B)  IO I i  A   IO I i B
  mapIO f p .force = mapIO' f (p .force)

  mapIO' :  {i}  {I : IOInterface}  {A B : Set}  (A  B)  IO' I i  A   IO' I i B
  mapIO' f (exec' c g) = exec' c  r  mapIO f (g r))
  mapIO' f (return' a) = return' (f a)

sequenceIO : {i : IOInterface}   List  (IO  i  Unit)  IO i  Unit
sequenceIO [] .force = return' unit
sequenceIO (p  l) = p >>=  _  sequenceIO l)

Return : {i : Size}  {int : IOInterface}   {A : Set}  A  IO int i A
Return a .force = return' a

Exec : {i : Size}  {int : IOInterface}  (c : int .Command)
                 IO int i (int .Response c)
Exec c .force = exec' c Return

module _  {I : IOInterface }
          (let C = Command I)
          (let R = Response I)
    fmap : (i : Size)  {A B : Set}  (f : A  B)
             IO I i A
             IO I i B
    fmap i {A} {B} f p .force {j} = fmap' j {A} {B} f (p .force {j})

    fmap' : (i : Size)  {A B : Set}  (f : A  B )
             IO' I i A
             IO' I i B
    fmap' i {A} {B} f (exec' c f₁) = exec' c  r  fmap i {A} {B} f (f₁ r))
    fmap' i {A} {B} f (return' a) = return' (f a)

module _ (I : IOInterface )
         (let C = I .Command)
         (let R = I .Response)

    data IOind (A : Set) : Set where

      exec''     : (c : C) (f : (r : R c)  IOind A)  IOind A
      return'' : (a : A)  IOind A

_>>''_ : {I : IOInterface}(let C = I .Command)(let R = I .Response)
         {A B : Set} (p : IOind I A) (q : A  IOind I B)  IOind I B
exec'' c f >>'' q = exec'' c  r   f r >>'' q)
return'' a >>'' q = q a

module _ {I : Interface }
         (let M = I .Method)
         (let R = I .Result)

  translate : ∀{A : Set}
                Object I
                IOind (objectInterfToIOInterf I) A
                 A × Object I
  translate {A} obj (exec'' c p) = obj .objectMethod c  λ {(x , o')
                                       translate {A} o' (p x)  }
  translate {A} obj (return'' a) = a , obj