open import Data.Bool
module GUIgeneric.GUIExampleWithDB where
open import GUIgeneric.Prelude renaming (inj₁ to secondBtn; inj₂ to firstBtn)
open import GUIgeneric.PreludeGUIWithDBTmp renaming (WxColor to Color) hiding ( _>>_ ; addButton)
open import GUIgeneric.GUIDefinitions renaming (add to add'; add' to add)
open import GUIgeneric.GUIWithDB
open import GUIgeneric.GUIExampleLibWithDB renaming (addButton to addButton')
open import Data.Product
addButton : String → Frame → Frame
addButton str fr = addButton' str fr optimized
addTxtBox : String → Frame → Frame
addTxtBox str fr = addTxtBox' str fr optimized
oneBtnGUI : Frame
oneBtnGUI = addButton "OK" create-frame
twoBtnGUI : Frame
twoBtnGUI = addButton "Cancel" oneBtnGUI
Cols = ℕ
Margin = ℕ
HSpace = ℕ
VSpace = ℕ
oneColumnLayout : Cols × Margin × HSpace × VSpace
oneColumnLayout = (1 , 10 , 2 , 2)
black : Color
black = rgb 0 0 0
propOneBtn : properties oneBtnGUI
propOneBtn = black , oneColumnLayout
propTwoBtn : properties twoBtnGUI
propTwoBtn = black , black , oneColumnLayout
putStr' : {A : Set} → String → (f : IO GuiLev1Interface ∞ A) →
IO GuiLev1Interface ∞ A
putStr' s f = exec (putStrLn s) (λ _ → f)
syntax putStr' s f = putStrLn s >> f
keepGUI : {j : Size} → HandlerObject j twoBtnGUI →
IO GuiLev1Interface ∞
(Σ-syntax (returnType twoBtnGUI)
(λ r →
IOObjectˢ GuiLev1Interface handlerInterface j
(nextStateFrame twoBtnGUI r)))
keepGUI = λ obj → return (noChange , obj)
changeGUI : ∀ {j} (g : CompEls frame) {g'} (prop : properties g) obj →
IO GuiLev1Interface ∞ (Σ (returnType g') (\r -> IOObjectˢ GuiLev1Interface handlerInterface j (nextStateFrame g' r)))
changeGUI = λ g prop obj → return (changedGUI g prop , obj)
objTwoBtnGUI' : ∀ i → HandlerObject i twoBtnGUI
objTwoBtnGUI' i .method {j} (secondBtn bt) =
putStrLn "Cancel Fired! NO GUI Change." >>
keepGUI (objTwoBtnGUI' j)
objTwoBtnGUI' i .method {j} (firstBtn bt) =
putStrLn "OK Fired! Redefining GUI." >>
changeGUI oneBtnGUI propOneBtn (objOneBtnGUI' j)
objOneBtnGUI' : ∀ i → HandlerObject i oneBtnGUI
objOneBtnGUI' i .method {j} bt =
putStrLn "OK Fired! Redefining GUI." >>
changeGUI twoBtnGUI propTwoBtn (objTwoBtnGUI' j)
obj2Btn : ∀ {i} → HandlerObject i twoBtnGUI
obj2Btn .method (firstBtn bt) =
putStrLn "OK fired! Redefining GUI." >>
changeGUI oneBtnGUI propOneBtn obj1Btn
obj2Btn .method (secondBtn bt) =
putStrLn "Cancel fired! No GUI change." >>
keepGUI obj2Btn
obj1Btn : ∀ {i} → HandlerObject i oneBtnGUI
obj1Btn .method bt =
putStrLn "OK fired! Redefining GUI." >>
changeGUI twoBtnGUI propTwoBtn obj2Btn
compileProg : ∀ (a : CompEls frame) (b : properties a)
(c : {i : Size} → HandlerObject i a) → NativeIO Unit
compileProg = λ a b c -> compileProgram a b (c {∞})
main : NativeIO Unit
main = compileProg twoBtnGUI propTwoBtn obj2Btn