module GUI.Vers1.RasterificFFI where

open import Data.String.Base
open import Data.List.Base
open import Data.Unit.Base
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product

open import NativeIO renaming (NativeIO to IO;
                               nativeReturn to return;
                               _native>>=_ to _>>=_;
                               _native>>_ to _>>_)

open import  GUI.Vers1.GUIDefinitionsBase
open import  GUI.Vers1.GUIDefinitions

{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified DeclareGUI.AgdaInterface        as AI #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified DeclareGUI.Definitions          as D #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified DeclareGUI.SDLLIB               as SDL #-}

-- delete:
--{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified DeclareGUI.GUI                  as G #-}
--{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified DeclareGUI.RenderEvents         as R #-}

-- Types
  SDLWindow : Set     -- Window to render on
  FFIFrame  : Set     -- Frame definition of Buttons, etc.
  FFIComponent : Set  -- Components such as Buttons, etc.

{-# COMPILE GHC FFIFrame       = type D.Frame #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC SDLWindow      = type SDL.SDLWindow  #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC FFIComponent   = type D.Component #-}

-- Components and conversion
FFIComponents : Set
FFIComponents = List FFIComponent

--  components2frame : FFIComponents → FFIFrame
  ffiButton  : String  FFIComponent
  ffiLabel    : String  FFIComponent
  ffiTextbox  : String  FFIComponent

--{-# COMPILE GHC components2frame      = D.frame2gui #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC ffiButton         = (\x -> D.ButtonComponent (Data.Text.unpack x))  #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC ffiLabel          = (\x -> D.LabelComponent (Data.Text.unpack x))   #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC ffiTextbox        = (\x -> D.TextboxComponent (Data.Text.unpack x)) #-}

frame2FFI : Frame  FFIComponents
frame2FFI (createCmp tt) = []
frame2FFI (addCmp x buttonIdx (createCmp str)) = ffiButton str  frame2FFI x
frame2FFI (addCmp x labelIdx (createCmp str)) = ffiLabel str  frame2FFI x
frame2FFI (addCmp x textboxIdx (createCmp str)) = ffiTextbox str  frame2FFI x
frame2FFI (addCmp _ buttonIdx (addCmp _ () _))
frame2FFI (addCmp _ labelIdx (addCmp _ () _))
frame2FFI (addCmp _ textboxIdx (addCmp _ () _))

   NumAndStringList : Set
   getNum : NumAndStringList  
   getStringList : NumAndStringList  List String
   getEventsFFIhs : SDLWindow  FFIComponents  IO NumAndStringList

{-# COMPILE GHC NumAndStringList       = type AI.NumAndStringList #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getNum                 = AI.getNum #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getStringList          = AI.getStringList #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getEventsFFIhs         = AI.getEventsFFI #-}

getEventsFFI : SDLWindow  Frame  IO ( × (List String))
getEventsFFI win fr = do
  x <- getEventsFFIhs win (frame2FFI fr)
  return ( getNum x , getStringList x)

-- Functions
  createWindowFFI : IO SDLWindow
  renderFrameToScreenFFIhs : SDLWindow  FFIComponents  IO Unit

{-# COMPILE GHC createWindowFFI      = SDL.createWindow #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC renderFrameToScreenFFIhs  = AI.renderFrameToScreen #-}

renderFrameToScreenFFI : SDLWindow  Frame  IO Unit
renderFrameToScreenFFI win fr = renderFrameToScreenFFIhs win (frame2FFI fr)