Setting up Linux Machines for use of SPARK Ada and why3 via File Manager (Computer Science, Swansea University)

The following are the steps for configuring the settings in the Linux Lab so that SPARK Ada and why3 can be started from the file Manager without using the Command Shell.
  • Please study the file Basic Terminology in Linux explaining the basic terminology of Linux such as directory, ~/bin etc.
  • Download the git repository using these instructions
  • Then go in the file manager in the git repository downloaded to the directory exampleCodeForTesting/
  • Once why3 is installed (it will be installed later since it is not needed yet) we will similarly associate files with extension .mlw with the why3 program
  • Make sure that you don't use file names and paths containing blanks.
  • If you now navigate using a new file manager to a directory containing a SPARK Ada project, and left click on main.gpr gnatstudio is opened for this directory.
  • We need to change the preferences for executing programs using the terminal xterm.
  • Now study basic usage instructions of SPARK Ada