Downloading Examples from Lecture CSCM13/CSC313
- It is good practice to put git repositories in a common directory for
git repostories such as ~/git.
- It is best not to modify the code in the git repository unless you want
to contribute to the development of this repository.
- Instead you make a copy of the code.
- Otherwise, you will loose the possibilty of updating the repository
by using "git pull"
- The optimal way is to clone the git repository
- On Linux machines you can install git (installed in the Linux Lab
and in many Linux distributions).
- On other machines there are various tools for dealing with git repositories,
but ideally you use one which comes with a shell (sometimes called "powershell").
- To clone the git repository go to git repository
- Go to the clone button on the top right corder and
choose the https version.
- In a terminal move to where the git repository should be created
copy the command and press return.
- Alternatively you can download it from the
Download page for the
git repository for CSCM13/CSC313 as a zip file
- Click on "Download repository"
- Please note, you would need to download new copies when updates are
Interpreting Paths in the git repository
- When referring to for instance
or shorter
we mean the files you get by navigating
home directory -> git -> criticalhighintegritysystems ->
sparkAdaCodeLecture -> sect6 -> example6-20-wrapperClassForIOWithoutExample