module StateSizedIO.LIB.library where

open import Data.Bool.Base
open import Data.String.Base hiding (length)
open import Function
open import Data.String renaming (_++_ to _++Str_) hiding (length)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Fin renaming (_+_ to _+,_;_<_ to _<F_)

open import Agda.Builtin.Char
open import Data.Maybe hiding (map)

open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Monad.Indexed

open import NativeIO

elemStr : String  List String  Bool
elemStr = any  primStringEquality

concatStr : List String  String
concatStr = foldr _++Str_ ""

-- concatIntersperse ", " ("hey" ∷ "there" ∷ []) ==> "hey, there"
concatIntersperse : (x : String) (y : List String)  String
concatIntersperse intersperseStr list = concatStr (intersperse intersperseStr list)

open import Data.Char
open import Data.Nat

charToDecDigitNat : Char -> 
charToDecDigitNat c = (toNat c)  48

readNat : List Char ->                  -- convert from decimal digit chars
readNat =  toN  map charToDecDigitNat  reverse
           toN : List  -> 
           toN []       = 0
           toN (j  js) = j + (10 * (toN js))

isDigit : Char  Bool
isDigit = primIsDigit

strIsNatNumber : String  Bool
strIsNatNumber s = all isDigit (toList s)

stringToNat : String  Maybe 
stringToNat s with (strIsNatNumber s)
... | true = just ((readNat  toList) s)
... | false = nothing

nth : {A : Set}  (l : List A)  Fin (length l)  A
nth [] ()
nth (a  l) zero = a
nth (a  l) (suc n) = nth l n

ioMonad : RawMonad NativeIO
RawIMonad.return ioMonad = nativeReturn
RawIMonad._>>=_ ioMonad = _native>>=_