module GUI.BusinessProcessVers2 where
open import Data.String
open import Data.List renaming (map to mapL)
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Maybe
open import Size
open import Data.Fin renaming (_+_ to _+fin_)
open import heap.libraryVec
open import GUI.GUIDefinitions
open import GUI.GUIDefinitionsBase
open import GUI.GUIExampleLib
open import GUI.GUIExampleLibPart2
open import StateSizedIO.GUI.BaseStateDependent
data BusinessProcess : Set where
startEvent : String → BusinessProcess → BusinessProcess
endEvent : String → BusinessProcess
xor : List (String × BusinessProcess)
→ BusinessProcess
input : {n : ℕ} → Tuple String n
→ (Tuple String n → Maybe String)
→ (Tuple String n → BusinessProcess)
→ BusinessProcess
activity : String → BusinessProcess → BusinessProcess
businessModel2GUI : ∀ {i} → BusinessProcess
→ GUI {i}
businessModel2GUI (endEvent x) = endEventGUI x
businessModel2GUI (xor l) = businessModel2GUIxor l
businessModel2GUI (input {n} str g f) .gui = multiTextboxFrame n str
businessModel2GUI (input {n} str g f) .obj .method {j}
= multiTextboxGUIWithCheckFunObj n str (λ v → businessModel2GUI (f v))
(businessModel2GUI {j} (input {n} str g f)) .method
businessModel2GUI (activity str b) = onebuttonStrGUI str (businessModel2GUI b)
businessModel2GUI (startEvent str b) = onebuttonStrGUI str (businessModel2GUI b)
businessModel2Gui : BusinessProcess → GUI
businessModel2Gui = businessModel2GUI {∞}
businessModel2GUIxor : {i : Size} → List (String × BusinessProcess) → GUI {i}
businessModel2GUIxor [] .gui = emptyFrame
businessModel2GUIxor [] .obj .method ()
businessModel2GUIxor ((str , _) ∷ l) .gui = addButton str (businessModel2GUIxor l .gui)
businessModel2GUIxor ((str , g) ∷ l) .obj .method (zero , _) = returnGUI (businessModel2GUI g)
businessModel2GUIxor ((str , _) ∷ l) .obj .method (suc m , s) = businessModel2GUIxor l .obj .method (m , s)