module GUI.BusinessProcessMedExVers3 where
open import StateSizedIO.GUI.BaseStateDependent
open import StateSizedIO.writingOOsUsingIOVers4ReaderMethods hiding (nˢ) renaming(execˢⁱ to execᵢ ; returnˢⁱ to returnᵢ)
open import GUI.GUIDefinitions
open import GUI.GUIDefinitionsBase
open import GUI.GUIModelRenamed
open import GUI.GUIExample
open import GUI.GUIExampleLib
open import GUI.BusinessProcess
open import GUI.BusinessProcessMedExLib
open import SizedIO.Base hiding (_>>_)
open import SizedIO.Console hiding (main)
open import Data.String
open import GUI.GUIExampleLib
open import Data.Fin renaming (_+_ to _+fin_)
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.List renaming (map to mapL)
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Size
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.String renaming (_==_ to _==Str_)
open import heap.libraryVec
discharge : BusinessProcess
lowdoseSelection : BusinessProcess
highdoseSelection : BusinessProcess
discharge = endEvent "Discharge Patient"
lowdoseSelection = activity "Low Dose" discharge
highdoseSelection = activity "High Dose" discharge
doseSelectionA : WghtCat → BusinessProcess
doseSelectionA ≤60 = lowdoseSelection
doseSelectionA >60 = highdoseSelection
doseSelection¬A : RenalCat≥30 → AgeCat
→ BusinessProcess
doseSelection¬A ≥30<50 <75 = lowdoseSelection
doseSelection¬A ≥50 <75 = highdoseSelection
doseSelection¬A r ≥75 = lowdoseSelection
NOACSelectionA : WghtCat → BusinessProcess
NOACSelectionA w = activity "Med A" (doseSelectionA w)
NOACSelectionD : RenalCat≥30 → AgeCat → BusinessProcess
NOACSelectionD r a = activity "Med D" (doseSelection¬A r a)
NOACSelectionAll : RenalCat≥30 → AgeCat → WghtCat → BusinessProcess
NOACSelectionAll r a w = xor (("Med A" , doseSelectionA w) ∷
("Med D" , doseSelection¬A r a) ∷
warfarin : BusinessProcess
warfarin = activity "Prescribe warfarin" discharge
medicationSelection : FallRisk → RenalCat → AgeCat → WghtCat → BusinessProcess
medicationSelection _ <25 _ _ = warfarin
medicationSelection fallRisk ≥25<30 a w = warfarin
medicationSelection fallRisk ≥30<50 a w = NOACSelectionD ≥30<50 a
medicationSelection fallRisk ≥50 a w = NOACSelectionD ≥50 a
medicationSelection noFallRisk ≥25<30 a w = NOACSelectionA w
medicationSelection noFallRisk ≥30<50 a w = NOACSelectionAll ≥30<50 a w
medicationSelection noFallRisk ≥50 a w = NOACSelectionAll ≥50 a w
mdChoice : FallRisk → RenalCat → AgeCat → WghtCat → BusinessProcess
mdChoice f r a w = activity "MD Choice"
(medicationSelection f r a w)
diagnosis : FallRisk → RenalCat → AgeCat → WghtCat → BusinessProcess
diagnosis f r a w = activity "Diagnosis"
(activity "MD Choice"
(medicationSelection f r a w))
bloodTestRes : FallRisk → AgeCat → WghtCat
→ BusinessProcess
bloodTestRes f a w =
input "Enter Bloodtest Result" λ str →
diagnosis f (str2RenalCat str ) a w
drawBlood : FallRisk → AgeCat → WghtCat → BusinessProcess
drawBlood f a w = activity "Draw Blood" (bloodTestRes f a w)
patientHistory : AgeCat → WghtCat → BusinessProcess
patientHistory a w = input {2} ("Enter fall/accident risk",
"Enter CHA2DS2-VASc-Score")
λ {(strFallR , strScore) →
drawBlood (patientHist2FallRisk strFallR) a w}
patientRegistration : BusinessProcess
patientRegistration = input {2} ("Enter patient age" , "Enter Wght")
λ {(strAge , strWght) →
patientHistory (str2AgeCat strAge) (str2WghtCat strWght)}
patientRegistrationGUI : GUI
patientRegistrationGUI = businessModel2GUI patientRegistration
businessModel2State : BusinessProcess → State
businessModel2State b
= state (businessModel2GUI b) notStarted
dischargeState : State
dischargeState = businessModel2State discharge
patientRegistrationState : State
patientRegistrationState = businessModel2State patientRegistration
NOACSelectionAState : WghtCat → State
NOACSelectionAState w = businessModel2State (NOACSelectionA w)
NOACSelectionDState : RenalCat≥30 → AgeCat → State
NOACSelectionDState r a = businessModel2State (NOACSelectionD r a)
warfarinState : State
warfarinState = businessModel2State warfarin
medicationSelectionState : FallRisk → RenalCat → AgeCat → WghtCat → State
medicationSelectionState f r a w = businessModel2State (medicationSelection f r a w)
mdChoiceState : FallRisk → RenalCat → AgeCat → WghtCat → State
mdChoiceState f r a w = businessModel2State (mdChoice f r a w)
diagnosisState : FallRisk → RenalCat → AgeCat → WghtCat → State
diagnosisState f r a w = businessModel2State (diagnosis f r a w)
stateAfterBloodTest :
(strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood : String)
→ State
stateAfterBloodTest strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood
= guiNexts
>>> textboxInput2 strAge strWght
>>> textboxInput2 strFallR strScore
>>> btnClick
>>> textboxInput strBlood)
theoremWarfarinAux : (f : FallRisk)(r : RenalCat)
(a : AgeCat)(w : WghtCat)
→ r ≡ <25
→ diagnosisState f r a w
-eventually-> warfarinState
theoremWarfarinAux r .<25 a w refl =
next (λ _ → next (λ _ → hasReached))
theoremWarfarin :
(strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood : String)
→ str2RenalCat strBlood ≡ <25
→ stateAfterBloodTest strAge strWght strFallR
strScore strBlood
-eventually-> warfarinState
theoremWarfarin strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood =
theoremWarfarinAux (patientHist2FallRisk strFallR)
(str2RenalCat strBlood) (str2AgeCat strAge)
(str2WghtCat strWght)
theoremWarfarinAux' : (f : FallRisk)(r : RenalCat) (a : AgeCat)(w : WghtCat)
→ r ≡ <25
→ diagnosisState f r a w -gui-> warfarinState
theoremWarfarinAux' r .<25 a w refl = step btnClick (step btnClick refl-gui->)
theoremWarfarin' : (strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood : String)
→ str2RenalCat strBlood ≡ <25
→ stateAfterBloodTest strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood
-gui-> warfarinState
theoremWarfarin' strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood = theoremWarfarinAux' (patientHist2FallRisk strFallR)
(str2RenalCat strBlood) (str2AgeCat strAge) (str2WghtCat strWght)
theoremNoNOACA<25Aux : (f : FallRisk)(r : RenalCat) (a : AgeCat)(w : WghtCat)
→ r ≡ <25
→ {s : State}
→ diagnosisState f r a w -gui-> s
→ (w' : WghtCat)
→ ¬ (s ≡ NOACSelectionAState w')
theoremNoNOACA<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl refl-gui-> _ ()
theoremNoNOACA<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ refl-gui->) _ ()
theoremNoNOACA<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ (step _ refl-gui->)) _ ()
theoremNoNOACA<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ (step _ (step _ refl-gui->))) _ ()
theoremNoNOACA<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ (step _ (step _ (step (() , _) _))))
theoremNoNOACA<25 :
(strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood : String)
→ str2RenalCat strBlood ≡ <25
→ {s : State}
→ stateAfterBloodTest strAge strWght strFallR
strScore strBlood
-gui-> s
→ (w' : WghtCat)
→ ¬ (s ≡ NOACSelectionAState w')
theoremNoNOACA<25 strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood = theoremNoNOACA<25Aux (patientHist2FallRisk strFallR)
(str2RenalCat strBlood) (str2AgeCat strAge)(str2WghtCat strWght)
theoremNoNOACD<25Aux : (f : FallRisk)(r : RenalCat) (a : AgeCat)(w : WghtCat)
→ r ≡ <25
→ {s : State}
→ diagnosisState f r a w -gui-> s
→ (r' : RenalCat≥30) (a' : AgeCat)
→ ¬ (s ≡ NOACSelectionDState r' a')
theoremNoNOACD<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl refl-gui-> _ _ ()
theoremNoNOACD<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ refl-gui->) _ _ ()
theoremNoNOACD<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ (step _ refl-gui->)) _ _ ()
theoremNoNOACD<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ (step _ (step _ refl-gui->))) _ _ ()
theoremNoNOACD<25Aux f .<25 _ _ refl (step _ (step _ (step _ (step (() , _) _))))
theoremNoNOACD<25 : (strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood : String)
→ str2RenalCat strBlood ≡ <25
→ {s : State}
→ stateAfterBloodTest strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood -gui-> s
→ (r' : RenalCat≥30) (a' : AgeCat)
→ ¬ (s ≡ NOACSelectionDState r' a')
theoremNoNOACD<25 strAge strWght strFallR strScore strBlood = theoremNoNOACD<25Aux (patientHist2FallRisk strFallR)
(str2RenalCat strBlood) (str2AgeCat strAge)(str2WghtCat strWght)