Books and other Resources about Ada and SPARK Ada
A guide to books on SPARK Ada and Ada can be found
at the end of Sect. 1 of the module CSC313/CSCM13
Ada Books and other Documentation (thanks to John Plessis for some valuable links)
John English: Ada 95.
The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming.
(Online book).
Robert Dewar:
Introduction to Ada. PPT slides
, Winter 2004.
David J. Naiditch: Rendezvous with Ada 95. John Wiley, 2nd Edition, 1995.
John Barnes: Programming in Ada 2012. Cambridge University Press 2014.
Ada Core University with video tutorials about programming in Ada
Michael Smith: Object-Oriented Software in Ada 95. Thompson Computer, 1995.
Richard Riehle: Ada Distilled: An Introduction to Ada Programming for Experienced Computer Programmers. AdaWorks Software Engineering, 2003.
Ada Programming
Brosgol: A comparison of the concurrency and real-time features of Ada 95 and Java. Ada User Journal, IOS Press, 19, pp. 225 - 257, 1999.
Webpage for a module containing lots of references to Ada resources
Documentation by Adacore
Ada reference manual
Video course on Ada and Spark Ada (formerly Ada Core University)
Interactive learning courses on Ada and SPARK Ada
Introduction to SPARK (free online course)
Introduction to Ada (free online course)
Online book: Ada for the C++ or Java Developer
Adacore Mailing list
SPARK Ada books and other documentation
Uptodate book covering current SPARK Ada:
John W. Mccormick: Building High Integrity Applications with Spark.
Cambridge University Press September 2015. ISBN: 978-1107656840
Source Code
Book John Barnes: SPARK. The proven approach to High Integrity Software. Altran Praxis 2012.
Covers old SPARK Ada (pre 2014, different syntax), but content is excellent.
Currently not available for sale.
Available at the Swansea University Library on Bay Campus.
Older editions of the Book by Barnes (might be more available in book stores)
John Barnes: High integrity Software. The SPARK approach to safety and security. Addison-Wesley, 2003.
(Essentially 2nd edition of the book by Barnes; uses the old pre-2014 version of SPARK Ada).
ACM digital library entry
John Barnes: High integrity Ada. The SPARK approach. Addison-Wesley, 1997.
(Essentially 1st edition of the book by Barnes; uses the old pre-2014 version of SPARK Ada).
Video course on Ada and Spark Ada (formerly Ada Core University)
Interactive learning courses on Ada and SPARK Ada
Introduction to SPARK (free online course)
Online book: SPARK Ada for the MISRA C Developer
Documentation by Adacore
User Guide SPARK 2014
(As well included in distribution, including pdf version)
Pdf version is available as part of the distribution
In the linux lab it is located at
If you chose to install SPARK Ada into /opt/spark2014/ then it is located at
SPARK 2014 Tutorial
Getting started (SPARK 2014)
Reference ManualSPARK 2014
(As well included in distribution, including pdf version)
Pdf version is available as part of the distribution
In the linux lab it is located at
If you chose to install SPARK Ada into /opt/spark2014/ then it is located at
SPARK Quick Reference Guide (spark_quick_reference.pdf) seems no longer to be available.
Adacore Mailing list
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