Basic Usage of Gnatstudio
- Please note:
- Always open gnatstudio by clicking on the main.gpr file.
- Don't add files to gnatstudio using drag and drop
- Spark ada will only check files which are covered by the main.gpr file.
- If you drag in other files they might not be checked even so they occur on your
- If you want to open an ads or adb file
- make sure there is a directory containing one project only.
- Add if necessary a
- Then possibly close any other gnatstudio open and open the main.gpr file.
- Go to the right pane. You need to click on something with a dot only as name
- When it expands you should see your files.
- If you can't see the file common reasons are
- Your directory or one of the directories in your path contains a blank.
Rename them by replacing blanks e.g. by underscore.
- Your filename contains upper case characters. SPARK Ada allows only files in lower
- To look at file go the left pane. There is a folder with a dot.
If you click on it it should expand and show the files in this project.
- The most interesting file here is the main.adb file. Double click on it to open it.
- To compile it go to Build → Project → Build < current file >
(Note that the main.adb file needs to be the active file shown in the main code area)
- Compilation will only work for adb files which have no package, and only one procedure having
no parameters (usually called main.adb)
- To execute it choose Build → Run → Custom
- Under Windows use the option "run in an external terminal"
which will open a
command shell. From there you can run the program
which is usually called main.exe.
- Under Linux make sure you have set it up as follows
- In gnatstudio, go to
edit → preferences → External commands → on right side
change "xterm -hold -e" to "xterm -hold"
- Just delete -e, don't copy from the webpage since it might replace - by a
similar but different symbol.
- If you accidentially changed it or have problems later just enter from the keyboard
"xterm -hold"
- After setting it up when you execute
Run → Custom
the command "xterm -hold" should be shown.
- Now you click on both "Run in executables directory"
and "Run in an external terminal".
- In case your executable file is not main.adb but myfile.adb type in ./myfile
- You can keep that terminal open and use it for executing the executable again
- When doing those steps the program should open in a terminal.
- It is a very simple program, asking you for a number repeating it and for a string repeating it.
- To compile all files (good for testing) use Build → Project → Build All
- This will compile the code but not create executables. The files can be linked
- We will not link files in this module, but use this option to test code is correct.
- To check your code for data flow analysis using spark ada use SPARK → Examine All
- To prove your code for generating verification conditions use
SPARK → Prove All
- I recommend to choose as proof stategy Progressively split
- To close gnatstudio use first File→ Save an`d then File→ Exit.
- If it says there are tasks still running it could be that you have a terminal still open
generated by executing some code. Close those terminals (called xterm under Linux).